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The below listed troop policies have been enacted over the years by the troop committee. Each deals with a specific topic of concern that arose during the course of our troop tenure. Parents are urged to read through these policies and review them with their son. Please keep for future reference.

This policy deals with serious disciplinary problems and action taken within this policy will only be taken after all other reasonable measures have been taken and failed. After a serious disciplinary problem has occurred and all other reasonable measures have failed, the following steps, in order, may be taken at the discretion of the Scoutmaster upon consultation with his Assistant Scoutmasters and/or troop committee members present at the time:
Probation: Three (3) month period. Upon being placed on probation, a scout becomes liable for a two (2) month suspension if he does not improve in his behavior or causes serious disciplinary problems. However, the events that would warrant a suspension need not be as great as the events that would warrant the original probation. 
Suspension: Two (2) month period. A scout who is on suspension will not be allowed to participate in any troop activity or function.
Second Probation: Three (3) month period. A scout whose suspension period is up is automatically placed back on probation.
Expulsion: Serious disciplinary problems during the second probation period will result in the scout being dismissed from the troop, with no option to rejoin.
Note: Notification by E-mail will be sent to the scout and his parents of steps 1, 2, and 4 above. Successful behavior after Step 3 will give the scout a "clean" record.
For the purpose of this policy, a "serious disciplinary problem" is defined as one major incident or a series of minor incidents constantly repeated.
Improvement during a probationary period shall mean exceptional behavior, above and beyond a normal scout's actions, and some progress in advancement.

Scouting is most beneficial to the scout when attendance is maintained and we we encourage scouts to attend at least 50% of all troop activities. It is very hard for scouts to advance within the program if they are not participating in the program. Following is a list of further explanations to this statement:
50% of all scout activities means one-half (1/2) of each type of event --i.e. half of the troop meetings, half of the camping trips, half of the community service and service projects, etc. Of course, we encourage and expect all scouts to attend more than 50% of these events.
If a scout has a particular problem as to why he cannot make troop events or will be absent for a certain length of time, he should tell the Scoutmaster and also have his parents contact him. Alternate transportation maybe be able to be arranged within the troop if needed and participation in outside activities that demonstrate scout-like behaviors are also taken into consideration.
A scout who regularly attends certain types of events but fails to regularly attend others may be prohibited from attending those events at the discretion of the Scoutmaster. For example, a boy who continually misses troop meetings but shows up for camping trips, may be prohibited from attending future camping trips until his attendance at troop meetings improves. There are certain activities throughout the year where the committee may offer to offset the cost of the activity. Scouts that show up to meetings and camping trips but do not participate in service projects or fundraising may be at risk of not receiving this benefit.
The Scoutmaster shall send E-mails ( and/or make phone calls) to the parents of scouts who are absent from events for an extended period of time to inquire about their participation status within the troop.

The definition of a scout's "Class A" uniform is as follows:
        Official Troop 447 hat.
        Official Troop 447 neckerchief.
        BSA approved neckerchief slide.
        BSA Khaki shirt, short or long sleeved.
        BSA red or green epaulets.
        BSA approved belt.
        BSA green slacks or shorts.
        BSA approved socks, any length.
        Sturdy, closed-toe shoes.
 Scouts may wear other BSA related hats and neckerchiefs (e.x. BSA scout camp, OA, Eagle, or BSA event) to regular troop meetings but the troop would prefer the scout wear their official troop hat and neckerchief to troop camping trips and events.
 Every scout of Troop 447 is expected to travel to and from camping trips and all scouting activities in the troop "Class A" uniform (as defined above) unless instructed by the scoutmaster with the following exception:
Unless otherwise designated by the troop committee and following BSA policy, a scout MAY NOT wear his uniform when selling goods, food, tickets, etc. for a fund raising event.
Troop Policy in regards to uniforms for Board of Reviews: A scout who is going up for a Board of Review is expected to have HIS COMPLETE uniform on at the time of the Board, however, per the BSA Guide to Advancement, uniforms are not mandatory within the BSA, but they are highly encouraged. Scouts must be clean and neat in their appearance.

Note:  It is realized by the troop leaders that there are occasions when wearing the uniform is impossible (such as coming direct from another event). However, these occasions should not occur on a regular basis. 
    Boy leaders of the troop (SPL, ASPL, patrol leaders, assistant patrol leaders, leadership corps, etc.) should especially be sure to have their uniforms on at all times to set the example.
    A scout who has a particular problem with wearing his uniform should contact one of the troop leaders or have his parents contact the scoutmaster.
    On camping trips, scouts should wear appropriate footwear for the activity in which engaged (e.g., hiking boots, hiking shoes, water shoes, snowshoes, or athletic/tennis shoes.) No open-toed shoes to include but not limited flip-flops, sandals, etc are prohibited while at an outdoor activity.

DUES-On or before Septmeber 31 of each year, the troop committee will address and set the unit re-registration fee for the following calendar year. When a new scout joins the troop, the yearly registration fee is paid online to cover the cost of that scout's registration within the National ScoutsBSA organization as well as the local council and ScoutLife Magazine (if selected). An additional fee will be paid directly to the troop to cover the cost of a troop hat, troop neckerchief, troop numbers,patrol emblem, and troop insurance. We never want money to be a reason youth are unable to participate in scouting, please talk to the scoutmaster if there are any concerns regarding the cost of scouting. Unit dues are paid on a calendar year basis and will be prorated if the scout joins mid-year.

FOOD ON CAMPING TRIPS - Every scout who commits to go on a troop camping trip is expected to pay for his share of food that his patrol (or member of his patrol) buys for that trip. The patrol will select a grubmaster for the trip who will be responsible for purchasing the food for their patrol. Anyone who fails to pay for his share will be subject to penalties as outlined below.
Food on a camping trip if at all possible should be a patrol decision. Non-perishable items left over from previous camping trips should be kept in a patrol food box and be considered in the planning of meals when possible. *
Every scout and registered leader who commits to go on a camping trip must pay their share of food cost. The budget for food on camping trips is $20 per person. If the food items specified by the patrol exceed the budget allotted to the grubmaster the grubmaster may make substitutions or omit more expensive items from the menu. This is an exercise in smart shopping and budgeting. Any amount spent over that is the responsibility of the grubmaster for that trip and is not recoverable from the troop.
Money for patrol food must generally be paid two (2) meetings in advance of the trip, or a date determined by the scoutmaster for the event. Payment in the amount of $20 (cash) should be given to the troop treasurer to be given to the designated patrol grubmaster the Tuesday of the week prior to the week of camping. Balances between the amount paid and the amount spent will be returned to the Troop Treasurer or scoutmaster with a copy of the receipt for food.
A scout who does not pay prior to departure could be denied the privilege of going. Only the Scoutmaster can permit him to go. A scout who has a valid reason for not attending can have payment for the food waived. Only the Scoutmaster or his designee can determine a "valid" reason for not attending after commitment.


Only qualified merit badge counselors whose names appear in Scoutbook as being a registered counselor may sign off scouts for merit badges.
A scout shall meet with the Scoutmaster PRIOR to his first meeting with the merit badge counselor. An Application for Merit Badge “blue card”, may be obtained from the Scoutmaster, however, if a qualified and registered merit badge counselor utilizes an approved and verifiable electronic tracking method (i.e., Scoutbook), the blue card may not be necessary. If a blue card is given, it must be signed in advance by the Scoutmaster. If the counselor is in Scoutbook the Scoutmaster will open the merit badge for the scout and connect the counselor to the scout's account.
Per vote of the troop committee, parents of scouts may not pass off their son no more than 10 merit badges with the following exception: When another counselor cannot be found within a 25 miles radius of the Chartered Organization, or in group setting (i.e., Troop meeting, Merit Badge Madness, Summer Camp, and/or Cyber/Virtual merit badge classes.) Exceptions are to be made by the Troop Committee Chair, Advancement Chair, or appropriate designee.”

  In order to earn credit for the completion of a Youth Leadership Position required for advancement, a scout must be compliant with the 50% attendance rule as outlined and defined in Policy Statement # 2. For purposes of applying the 50% rule for advancement to star, life, or eagle scout:
  A first class scout must meet the 50% attendance rule for any period of four consecutive months between the date of becoming a first class scout and requesting a scoutmaster’s conference for star scout and have meet the 50% rule for at least two consecutive months immediately preceding a request for a scoutmaster’s conference; these months could be concurrent if the entire four months preceded the request for a scoutmaster’s conference.
  A star scout must meet the 50% attendance rule for any period of six consecutive months between the date of becoming a star scout and requesting a scoutmaster’s conference for life scout and have meet the 50% rule for at least three consecutive months immediately preceding a request for a scoutmaster’s conference; these months could be concurrent if the entire six months preceded the request for a scoutmaster’s conference.
  A life scout must meet the 50% attendance rule for a period of six consecutive months between the date of becoming a life scout and requesting a scoutmaster’s conference for eagle and have meet the 50% rule for at least three consecutive months immediately preceding a request for a scoutmaster’s conference; these months could be concurrent if the entire six months preceded the request for a scoutmaster’s conference.
  A scout who has completed all of the requirements for the next rank shall make an appointment with the Scoutmaster for a Scoutmaster Conference. Prior to this he should verify all his records with the Advancement Chairman and see that his handbook is properly filled out. This conference should be requested at the BEGINNING of the meeting.
  Upon successful completion of his Board, the SCOUT advises the Advancement Chairman that he has completed the requirements for the award and presents his handbook.
  In the event the scout is denied rank advancement by the Board of Review, the scout will be given a period of time to improve the deficiencies as noted by the members of the Board of Review. The members of the Board of Review will inform the scout and scoutmaster, in writing, of the deficiencies, the corrective plan of action and the period of time in which to complete the corrective plan.

     Scouts is expected to be in their own full Troop 447 Class "A" uniform, as referenced in Policy Statement #3, subsection 1, in order to participate in a Board of Review.
     Boards of Review are made up of Troop Committee Members. There must be a minimum of three members.
     Scouts should seek the guidance and advice of their patrol leader or any adult or boy leader if they have questions or problems concerning advancement.

    Project proposals shall be submitted by the Eagle candidate on forms and in the manner provided by the district and/or troop and contain information pertaining to the scope of the project, materials needed, costs, project man-hours, etc. Pictures and/or sketches, as appropriate, shall be part of the proposal.
    Eagle project proposals shall first be submitted to the Scoutmaster and Troop Advancement Chairman (or designee) for preliminary approval.
    After review by the Troop Advancement Chairman, the candidate shall contact the troop committee chairman so that time may be scheduled at the next committee meeting for final review and acceptance of the proposal.
    After the troop committee has accepted the project, the Troop Advancement Chairman will submit the proposal to the district advancement committee for review and approval. No work on the project shall commence until district approval has been obtained.

    The Troop Advancement Chairman or Troop Committee Chairman will designate one adult, either a troop committee member or an assistant scoutmaster, and other than a parent or guardian of the candidate, to serve as advisor to the candidate in the preparation of the proposal and execution of the project.
    To the extent possible, the advisor shall observe all activities relating to the execution of the project and to assure the health and safety of the scouts and other participants.

    The Eagle candidate is solely responsible for coordinating and giving leadership to the Eagle project.
    The candidate will document the project through notes, pictures, etc. A record of those participating in the project, including the dates and hours each worked, shall be maintained by the candidate and be part of the final project report.
    Since a major thrust of any Eagle project is to demonstrate leadership, as many scouts of the troop as possible should be recruited to execute the project. Other youths not in scouting or the troop can also participate with permission of their parents.
    Direct adult participation in the project should be minimized or avoided. Participation of a candidate's parents or guardians should be limited to providing transportation, refreshments, etc. and, if desired, to observe the project in progress.

    After completion of the project, the candidate shall complete a report on forms in the manner specified by the district. The report shall be neatly prepared, typed if possible.
    The adult advisor may prepare a separate report of his/her observations for consideration by the troop committee.
    After review and approval of the advisor, the candidate shall contact the Troop Advancement Chairman or Troop Committee Chairman to have the final project report reviewed at the next committee meeting.

        1.1 Funds for the general operation of the troop will be provided through fund raising efforts. Such events will be scheduled by the troop committee to produce the best possible results for the troop.
        1.2 The committee will evaluate the treasury annually to determine the amount of funds available to defray the cost of camping.
        1.3 Scouts and Parents are encouraged to participate during troop fund raising activities throughout the year.

        2.1 Chairman of the fundraising event will record scout and parent participants and will forward said information to the adult leader responsible for record keeping.
        2.2 Failure to participate in fundraising opportunities could result in:
            2.2.1 A review by the troop committee to reassess the registration fee of a non-participating scout.
            2.2.2 The scout being denied access to funding for any event funded in whole or in part by the troop treasury.
    Scout Individual Accounts.
        3.1 If a scout leaves the troop for any reason with funds in the individual account that were earned through fundraising efforts at the time this policy was amended, all funds will be returned to the general troop fund.
        3.2 The exception to this rule is that individual scout account funds may be transferred to a sibling who is remaining with the troop.

The adult troop leadership may propose, and the troop committee may adopt, a Scout Standard Contract to be signed by the scout and his parent(s) or guardian. This contract shall cover expected behaviors and prohibited actions or activities. A violation of the contract will subject the scout to the disciplinary provisions found in Troop Policy # 1. From time to time, this contract may be amended, altered or changed upon proposal of the adult leadership and affirmative concurrence of the troop committee. Scouts and parents who do not sign the behavior contract may be prohibited from participating in any troop activities.

This policy covers the responsibility of scouts and parents regarding the use of cell phones by scouts during scout activities, trips and functions.
    The privilege of carrying a cell phone during scouting activities may be earned by any Scout who is at the Rank of First Class or Higher. The Scout must first earn the BSA Cyber Chip, attend Troop Training, and have the permission of his Parents and the Scoutmaster. The BSA Cyber Chip must be renewed yearly. This privilege may be revoked at the discretion of the Scoutmaster or other Adult Leader.
    A qualified scout may use a cell phone, subject to conditions stipulated in this policy, if they have executed a scout cell phone contract, on a form provided by the troop leadership, signed by both the scout and his parent/guardian.
    If a parent needs to contact their scout they must first contact the adult leader that is in charge of the activity to determine if it is an acceptable time for cell phone use.
    Troop 447 and its leadership are NOT responsible for the Cell Phone if it is lost, stolen, or damaged during Scout activities.
    If a cell phone is lost during a scout activity the troop will not spend a large amount of time looking for it. It is the Scouts responsibility to keep track of the phone.
    Adult leadership will NOT provide their vehicles or other means for charging of cell phones.
    The scout’s cell phone number MUST be given to the Troop. If a leader needs to talk to a scout on the phone then all Youth Protection guidelines will be followed.
    Cell Phones will NOT be taken into restrooms for any reason (charging, private phone calls, or for pictures/video). This is a violation of Youth Protection.
    The Scout will NOT take any pictures or videos of any Scout or Adult Leaders without their permission.
    Taking pictures or video of other scouts in states of disrobe, in their tents, in the restrooms, or in the showers is prohibited and a violation of Youth Protection.
    No Pictures or Videos will be posted on any social media site without the permission of the person in the picture or video.
    Accessing adult websites and the watching of inappropriate videos or pictures is prohibited. Adult leadership has the final say as to what is inappropriate.
    Cyber Bullying is prohibited and will not be tolerated.
    The Cell phone will only be used during down times and will NOT be a disruption to any of the Troops activities. Adult leadership has the final say as to when it is appropriate to use the phone.
    For some activities the Scoutmaster may decide that it is to be a “No Cell Phone” activity. This will be stipulated prior to the event.
    No Loud music playing at any time especially at night, ear buds are to be worn to not disturb other campers.
    Failure to comply with this policy or provisions of the cell phone contract may result in suspension or revocation of a scout’s privilege to carry and use a cell phone at a scout function, trip or activity at the sole discretion of the scoutmaster or adult leader in charge.